Nurse's Notes


 Nurse’s Office

Care given at school is limited to first aid for accidents and illnesses incurred at school until the parent/caregiver arrives to pick the child up. Emergency contact information is kept on each child. These student profile sheets provide information to assist in locating parents or an emergency contact when necessary. It is important that this information be kept current and filled out completely. Please ensure that the reverse side is completed in its entirety. Write “N/A” in each space that is not applicable rather than leaving it blank. If we are unable to reach you in an emergency, a copy of this sheet will be taken to the hospital with your child.

The school nurse is not permitted to diagnose injuries or illnesses. Decisions regarding the need for medical care rests finally with the parent/caregiver. Parents are always contacted to take the child home or to the doctor as the need arises.

Disabilities should be made known to the school. Note these on the new student profile sheet each year.

Admission to Nurse’s Office

Except for emergencies, all students must have authorization from a teacher, administrator, or aide for admission to the Nurse’s Office.

First aid and emergency treatment shall be given only for health problems arising at school or while the student is engaged in a school activity. Personnel shall not treat injuries or diseases suffered by the student at home or elsewhere, and in no case shall treatment go beyond first aid.

Nurses are not permitted by state law to make medical diagnoses. Please do not ask the school nurse to evaluate your child’s symptoms for this reason. If your child becomes ill/injured during the school day, transportation is a family responsibility. Please have a plan in place on how you will pick your child up from school should the need arise.

  • If your child needs treatment during school hours for an injury/illness previously treated at home (Ex: ice for sprains), please send a note, or call, requesting that specific care.
  • For the well-being of all, please keep your child home when s/he is ill or until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine, and/or vomiting/diarrhea has stopped.
  • If you think your child may have a contagious condition (e.g. strep throat, chicken pox, pink eye, flu, etc.) please do not send him/her to school until diagnosed by his/her Health Care Provider and they have been on antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours.



Please DO NOT send ANY medication to school with the student.


Colonial Beach Public School personnel may give prescription and non-prescription  medication to students only pursuant to the written order of a physician or nurse practitioner and with written permission from the student’s parent or guardian. (See Medication Request Form below). Such medicine must be in the original
container and delivered to the principal, school nurse or school division designee by the parent/guardian of the student. Any medication must be delivered to the school by a parent/guardian.


Self-administration of any medication with the exception of asthma medication, insulin and auto-injectable epinephrine is prohibited. Parents must meet with the nurse in advance if students will be carrying the above medications with them and all required paperwork must be completed by the physician.

Open the Medication Request Form to be filled out and returned to school for any medications your child needs to take during the school day. A new form is required at the beginning of each school year or with any prescription changes.

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